The painful realities
active duty face

  • clock_icon_01

    70% start the transition process
    too late (according to the GAO)

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    Current TAPs class is only
    3 days long

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    Only 2% start transition planning
    at 24 months

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    100% of clients have
    serious undocumented injuries


Girl with hat signing contract
Girl looking at her dress


Let professionals deliver step-by-step guidance

  • Select
  • Create
  • Execute
  • Transition


Proven Results for
every client

Zero Nexxus owns the most comprehensive and organized transition management tool for active duty Military. This process focuses on the most granular aspects of your transition, with a focus on deconflicting timelines and managing your personal priorities of work, unique to you. Your transition, at the touch of your finger, is managed through a state-of-the-art Client Portal. Manage your transition anywhere in the world!


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  • Rory and his team were extremely helpful throughout the entire transition process. I learned so much about the VA from Zero Nexxus and their professional staff. Furthermore, my VA claim is done and Zero Nexxus is still providing me guidance dealing withvocational rehabilitation. I would highly recommend any service member transitioning/retiring to make the investment in themselves and use Zero Nexxus.
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    Intel Office
  • The military says to trust the process. When they say that they don’t always mean trust the process that’s best for you… Rory from Zero Nexxus changed my life and saved me from myself. I am fortunate that I had gotten in touch with him before separatingthe military about 9-10 months prior. I was in the worst condition I’d have ever been in my military career and adult life. I had burnt myself out on both ends of the candle physically and mentally. It wasn’t until I spoke with a recently retired veteranfriend had told me to get help that I some how stumbled across Rory and his company on Instagarm and YouTube. Shortly after doing research I realized that this is guy really does want to help me and others in the military like me. He and his company actuallyCARE about YOU as an individual. YOU are the mission. The mentorship he provided made the transition to civilian life, while filing the va claims and getting help through the VA post military life that much easier. Rory is organized, thoughtful, empathetic andstraight up/real with you to ensure a successful transition. It’s not easy, it’s uncomfortable asking for help, I was big in that it took a huge realization from another veteran to wake me from that fog. Now I am full emerged in the VA health care system,college full time and maximizing my life ten folds because of Rory and Zero Nexxus. This service has been like nothing I’ve ever seen or heard talked about. Yeah people talk about the VSO and paying a bunch of lawyers but that doesn’t do anything to helpyou while you’re still in or prepare you for life outside. This company will and I will recommend Zero Nexxus to every single branch of the military: active duty, guardsmen, reserve individual I come across until the day I die. Thank you Rory, Zero Nexxusand all the guys on IG that pushed his content to help me find him. So guys what the hell are you waiting for, take the plunge and just talk to him!!! This is one regret you don’t want to have…
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    Air Force
  • I recently had the pleasure of working with Rory at Zero Nexxus during my transition out of the service. Rory was extremely accommodating and knowledgeable during my experience and all in a very friendly and professional manner. In addition to being verythorough, timely, and transparent with everything I needed related to the medical requirements as part of the process, Rory also provided me helpful summaries and relevant information in regards to all of my needs and questions. Zero Nexxus Consulting canprovide very helpful answers and guidance through this generally new (and confusing to the average service member) experience and important part of getting out of the military.
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  • I was separating in January of 2022 and was referred to this company by another service member. I purchased a package late 2021 and started the process with Nexxus. They were very helpful with the process, with in-depth step by step instructions on what to do.Any questions and help I had they were there and available. Once I submitted my VA claim it took a couple of months to get a my percentage. Once I received my claim back I was very happy with what I received back from the VA, I was glad I invested in thisprogram with Nexxus. To keep in mind this is my opinion and experience with Nexxus, but I recommend all service members transitioning out to invest in the programs they offer. In my opinion I am very happy I purchased a package as it has set me up for success.10/10 experience and results.
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  • Zero Nexxus was referred to me by a friend while I began the med board process. I strongly recommend! Rory's knowledge and experience was exceedingly helpful during the whole process not to mention that his turnaround time in making contact either by phone,text or email was almost always within 12 hours time. I am very pleased and worth every penny.
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  • Rory was incredibly helpful in advising me on the process and how to get my paperwork in order. l. He also provided me with an actionable timeline with calendar reminders to ensure I met deadlines. He is a very knowledgeable and is well organized. Willdefinitely recommend him to friends and colleagues.
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  • Definitely the best asset that I had while going through the retirement process. If I had six stars to give I would do so. Very understanding and accommodating and responsive to inquiries and issues. No one can guarantee 100% disability from the VA like Ireceived. But whatever POTENTIAL do you have in the retirement process of gaining financial stability is undoubtedly maximized utilizing Rory’s guidance and expertise. Retiring from the military whether you were in five years or 20 is one of the moststressful things one can endure. But having someone on your team who is an expert in the process not only ensures you are meeting every gate on time and with the appropriate paperwork in hand but most of all just gives you peace of mind that you’re notmissing out on any of the hundreds of benefits that line in front of you as you enter into this next chapter of your life.
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    Apache Pilot
  • Zero Nexxus is the place to go for any service member whether you plan on getting out of the service or are planning on staying in but would like to make sure you’re prepared and educated for when you do get out. Rory is the most knowledgeable and helpfulindividual out there for anything involving the VA or transitioning out of the military. I recommend all of my friends and fellow service members to him. He will take care of you.
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  • It is well known that the separation process is an extremely stressful process, especially when it comes to making disability claims. Working with Zero Nexxus takes the stress right out. Rory is very professional and was always on time when it came to phoneconferences and responded within the hour to my texts and same day with emails, which is saying a lot given our different time zones. He answered every question I had and guided me through the claims process. I highly recommend working with Zero Nexxus.
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  • Submitting your VA claim is not an easy process, but with Rory's help, it was much less painful. Rory will give you personalized advice throughout the entire process, and make sure you are properly prepared to get the benefits you deserve. Do yourself a favorand allow Rory to make your life a lot easier, and your claim a lot stronger. Rory is very knowledgeable and will ensure you receive the best results.
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  • Immediately after responding to an add on Instagarm, the founder of Zero Nexxus personally responded within the hour. Rory himself assisted me through every step of the disability process, willing to take me through the paper work, prep for each meeting, aswell as fill in any gaps of knowledge that I had. This is a well oiled hard working team with a big heart for their mission.
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  • I was referred to Zero Nexxus by a friend. Zero Nexxus quickly assessed my needs and my timeline and created a step by step approach to building my VA claim prior to separation from service. Rory gave me confidence that I was not alone in the transition fromservice and more importantly, he genuinely cared about me. What I liked most was that it was a flat-fee, no contracts or gimmicks. I would strongly encourage anyone who is transitioning from service to at least call and talk to Rory or one of the ZNconsultants. After my consultation I received detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to immediately move forward with my claim. Rory is a subject matter expert on the submission of BDDs, Fully Developed Claims and Intent to File.
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    Special Forces
  • Zero Nexxus has been very helpful in getting the ball rolling on the very daunting task of getting out and making sure the conditions related to my service are addressed. They have been very knowledgeable and always respond quickly when I have any questions.If you are getting out or looking at getting out I would highly recommend giving them a call. Throughout the process Rory has been a phone call away, very communicative and knowledgeable. I cannot say enough how much I recommend Zero Nexxus.
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    Special Forces
  • I can speak personally and frankly about Rory and his team at Zero Nexxus. I recently transitioned out, and I can say from my experience that few things are more complicated than successfully navigating the web of VA benefits. Building a clear understanding ofthe benefits process is one of the single most important steps you can take in your transition. I served with Rory for over 3 years in the military, and he played a huge role in helping me with my transition. He also went above and beyond to make sure everyperson in our unit was on top of their benefits. He and his team genuinely care about vets and know more about VA benefits than you’ll ever learn from a transition course or any other resource. Do your future self a favor and work with these guys, youcan’t find better transition help than them.
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  • Great Experience working with Rory! He was always available to help with every step of the process. Very knowledgeable about the entire process, highly recommend!
  • An absolute pleasure (and perhaps one of the best decisions I’ve ever made) to work with Zero Nexxus and particularly with Rory Farrell on my VA disability claim. From the moment I made initial contact, Rory was extremely responsive, timely, organized and anabsolute professional. His passion for helping retirees coupled with his thorough knowledge of the complicated VA systems made it easy to prepare for and complete my disability claim process. I cannot not stress enough how important it was to have him in mycorner, guiding me and advising me every step of the way on how to best prepare for this important process. Only those who have experienced this process can appreciate the importance of having good quality advise, communication and transparency as you preparefor what will be a lifelong benefit for yourself and family. Do yourself a favor and call him to schedule a consultation if you are planning to retire, you won’t be disappointed. My family and I thank you Rory Farrell!
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  • I enthusiastically recommend Zero Nexxus to anyone I know separating from the military. Rory is someone who truly “gets it” and was invaluable to have on my side as I was exiting.
    Intel Officer
  • The team at Zero Nexxus is full of consummate professionals that genuinely care about making sure veterans are being taken care of in their transitions out of the military. I was pretty lost in the process of transition, as well as working with the VA until myconsultation. Afterwards, I had a clear understanding of the process, as well as actionable steps to take to make sure I would receive all of the benefits I am entitled to. Investing the time and money into working with individuals that are willing and able toget you all of the help you need and deserve is well worth it.
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  • The consultants at Zero Nexxus have knowledge about the VA programs and disability that is second to none. Through their mentorship and guidance I was able to create a transition plan and navigate the very confusing programs the VA provides. The transitionfrom active duty to civilian life is significantly harder than it seems and I attribute a lot of my success to the mentorship from Zero Nexxus. They were also pivotal in helping me in the disability process to receive compensation for the injuries sustainwhile on active duty. The process of documenting injuries and applying for disability is not in favor of the service member (as it seems with most of the VA programs). Zero Nexxus was able to guide me through the process to receive the compensation my injuriesrated, not what the VA downplayed them to be. Through their mentorship you are no longer fighting an uphill battle to get what the VA merely promises. I cannot not recommend Zero Nexxus Consulting enough, and honestly believe that every service member canbenefit from the mentorship offered.
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  • After multiple deployments, I finally decided it was time to hang it up but to be honest, civilian life terrified me. When I graduated high school at the age of 18, the military was the only life I ever knew. I had no idea about the benefits, programs andopportunities that are available to veterans until my consultation with Rory which was very beneficial. I contribute much of my success now to the assistance of Zero Nexxus in my transitional period as it helped me bridge multiple gaps in my life which gave memore time to focus on my entrepreneurial endeavors.
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    Special Forces
  • I have recommenced Zero Nexxus to all of my friend because of their professionalism and guidance through the gauntlet of VA processes. Every service member needs to consult with them prior to leaving the service if possible. I truly believe Rory’s visionwith ZN will impact current and future generations of service members for the better.
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  • Zero Nexxus assisted with my transition from active duty and helped me document my injuries while on active duty. They indirectly contributed to me receiving a 70% disability rating. Thanks for all your help Rory!
  • I am a current active duty service member preparing for EAS in about six months and had the incredible opportunity of being referred to Zero Nexxus. Through their efficient process I was able to go from feeling lost and confused on my options and next steps tofeeing absolutely confident about my transition to the civilian world! Zero Nexxus has a wealth of knowledge and is an ABSOLUTE MUST for any Service-member preparing for their transition. I cannot thank them enough!
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  • Without Zero Nexxus I would of been lost submitting my VA Benefits. I learned so much just in the initial consultation. My Zero Nexxus advisor is keeping me on track to submit my VA package before my EAS. If you are getting out of the military and plan onsubmitting for VA benefits, CALL ZERO NEXXUS YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!!
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  • Transition out of the military was the worst part about military service. These guys, especially Rory made the process a lot less stressful and daunting. Just recently they helped walk me through how to apply for a VA house loan and what additional benefitscome with being a veteran that owns a house. Have and will continue to recommend these guys to close friends and family that are in the military!
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  • ZERO NEXXUS is a phenomenal company with extraordinary team members that really care about service members and their family. The information provided and the manner in which it was provided was second to none. All my questions and concerns were answered andput in terms that were easy to understand. The process to exit the military is much harder than the entry process, but I can say ZERO NEXXUS and the entire team made me more comfortable and prepared. The one detail that was profound to me was how theconsultant was also concerned about my family, and making sure that they would be taken care of by ensuring I got all my benefits from the VA. I can not preach or write more about the professionalism, content delivered, extreme customer satisfaction andoverall general concern for myself and others like me that are transitioning, ZERO NEXXUS is just a top tier. Every individual that plans on making the transition from the military to the civilian sector needs to speak with ZERO NEXXUS immediately! I wouldlike to say thank you to the ZERO NEXXUS team for their assistance and dedication to its service members and veterans!
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  • This is a very helpful service for transitioning from active duty to the civilian sector. I was very impressed by the professionalism. Rory gave me all the tools and instruction I will need to take full advantage of the benefits that are there for servicemembers to utilize. It was totally worth the investment.
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  • Zero Nexxus is the go to if you want the best help and most useful advise. They took care of me as if they knew me personally. Couldn’t thank them enough for the info and step by step walk through.
  • Not knowing anything about the VA process and how to handle it all. Talking with this gentleman really helped me out. He cleared things up and has the answers to any questions you will have. He responds very fast and is very thorough. I highly recommend thisbusiness to any active duty personnel who will be transitioning out of the service! Great work here!
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  • I stumbled across this opportunity by complete accident and I’m extremely grateful that I did. I was unaware that these sort of resources existed and I’m very grateful for it. I was extremely worried about submitting for VA benefits until I found thisservice.
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  • Rory really knows what he’s talking about and I’m confident that i and every one else who works with him will get the most out of it
  • This company has done and continues to do exactly what it advertises. The response time was immediate and had great directions. The professionalism was second to none.
  • Zero Nexxus has made what was at first a very confusing process, into something I now feel as though I have full control over. Thank you.

Military Transition Specialist: Transition From Service Like an Expert

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